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Ep 6 Meet Seamus Heffernan: mystery writer, new dad, substitute teacher

Seamus Heffernan is the author of the acclaimed Thaddeus Grayle mysteries, the most recent of which is Ten Grand. He is also a fascinating guy. We talked about fatherhood (with a real time appearance of his adorable son) the art of substitute teaching, and his delightful Private Investigator character, Thaddeus Grayle.

You can find out more about Seamus at his website here: or find him on facebook. He's easy to find, thanks to a not-so-common name!

Check out Napalm Hearts, the first in his series, on Amazon:…1583449762&sr=8-2

Tell Me Your Secrets is copyrighted by Authors on the Air Global Radio Network.

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Tell Me Your Secrets Ep 6: Meet Seamus Heffernan Host Kerry Schafer