Shine, baby, shine
Every week, on Tuesday, an email drops into my inbox from a man named Rob Brezny. It contains my weekly horoscope, but let me tell you - this is a horoscope like no other. Rob is one of the most inspirational influences in my life and I always get a bit of wisdom or insight or a hit of positivity from his offerings. But then, what else could you expect from a man who wrote a ginormous book called Pronoia is the Antidote for Paranoia?
This week, the bit of wisdom that really resonated with me was this:
“According to science writer Sarah Zielinski
in *Smithsonian* magazine, fireflies produce the most efficient light on
planet Earth. Nearly 100 percent of the energy produced by the chemical
reaction inside the insect’s body is emitted as a brilliant glow. ...According to my reading of the astrological omens, you,
too, will be a dynamic and proficient generator of luminosity. For best
results, don’t tone down your brilliance, even if it illuminates shadows
people are trying to hide.”
I was reminded that my particular light sometimes is a little bright for those around me. There have been times in my life when I’ve been called out for being “too much.” Too opinionated, too outspoken, too loud, too quiet, too disorganised, too random, and on and on and on.
In a lovely bit of synchronicity, this week I also began reading a deceptively small book titled The Big Leap, by Gay Hendricks.
Hendricks teaches that we all have an Upper Limit Problem (which he likes to refer to as an ULP) that kicks in whenever we get close to our zone of genius and that this drives us into sabotage. He talks about four different unconscious belief systems that can be triggered, and one of those in particular hit me right square in the solar plexus.
The book is on my desk at home, so I’m paraphrasing here, but the general idea was “Don’t shine too brightly, or somebody else will feel hurt, left out, snubbed, or less than.”
What happens when I reach some level of writer success, or when something good happens for me in publishing? I’m elated for a minute, and then my unconscious belief raises its ugly little head and whispers, “Your success means that somebody else will get hurt.”
Sabotage kicks in. I find some reason to make myself feel bad. Guilt. Minimising and deflecting. Possibly procrastinating on writing or marketing.
The truth is that my success doesn’t hurt anybody else. It’s not taking away from another writer. If it illuminates a shadow area that somebody else is struggling with, so that they feel jealous or demoralised, then I’m illuminating work for them to do to move past that.
Today, I’m declaring my intention to transform my limiting beliefs and to shine as brightly as I am able.
And I’m inviting you to do the same. Whatever your gifts, talents, and particular zone of genius, play them up. Celebrate. Live in the light.
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Happy writing!