Do any of these scenarios apply to you?

I have great intentions, but at the end of the day it seems like I've done everything but work on my creative project.

"I have a book I've been wanting to write (or an artistic endeavor of any kind) but I just never seem to get started."

"I created a project that was a huge success (or an apparent failure) and haven't been able to get back to work ever since."

"I have a completed project I've been meaning to get out into the world, but I just never seem to do it."

"My negative self talk beats me up on a regular basis and I'm very self critical"

"Nothing I try to create is ever quite good enough"

"I procrastinate. A lot. I'm procrastinating right now, in fact, by surfing the web."

"I have so many projects going on I freeze every time I try to do something. There is just too much, and it's too hard, and I don't know what to do."

"I used to be creative, but I ran into some major life stressors and now I'm just kind of numb."

Any of this sound familiar? It does to me. I have been in all of these places, and still am some times. But I happen to know some awesome tools for getting unstuck, quieting the clamor of the self critic, re-kindling joy in the process of creation and making forward motion.

I specialize in helping you identify and learn to trust the wisdom of your own creative process. We start with a free phone or internet consult to discuss what you are wanting to do and what is getting in the way. From there, if we decide to work together, you can select one of my standard coaching packages or we can create a custom package for you that better fits your needs. If you choose to complete the Myers-Briggs assessment as part of your package, you will get a link to answer the questions online and then we will meet to go over your type preferences and explore how they impact your creative process. From there, we will work together each week to learn fun, non-threatening tools that will help you move forward.

If you feel like you are already too busy and overwhelmed and that coaching would be one more thing on your plate - fear not! We often complete work during sessions, and the KMCC tools may leave you with more time to get things done rather than less.

My goal is to empower you to be your own best coach.

Sound interesting? I'd love to talk. Consults are always free. Just email me and we can set up a time.