Ep 5: Agents are People Too, with Michelle Grajkowski of 3 Seas Literary Agency
Michelle Grajkowski hamming it up during a Cruising Writers event
Agent Michelle Grajkowski of 3 Seas Literary Agency obligingly joined me for this episode of Tell Me Your Secrets. We met on a cruise ship, one of the amazing writer events put on by Cruising Writers. After an initial misunderstanding we hit it off and became seat buddies for life (listen in for the whole story.)
I asked Michelle about agenting life—things like, “What’s your favorite part? How do you find your clients? And do you actually look at the slush pile?” Her answers may surprise you.
Listen below (or download the audio) or watch the video.
In case you’re pressed for time the short answers are:
Most of Michelle’s clients do not come from the slush pile
She loves meeting writers in person at conferences
What she’s most looking for in a book is to be swept away (so revise and revise before submitting to be sure she’s getting something polished)
You can find out more about Michelle Grajkowski on the 3 Seas Literary Agency website, along with submission guidelines.
And, as promised during our chat, if you want to see the cover I threw together for my newly contracted book Other People’s Things, here it is.
Fake Cover for Other People’s Things
Check back in next week for a fun interview with author and new dad Seamus Heffernan.